Fresno Criminal Defense Law

Adam Rodriguez is a premier law firm located in Madera County, near Merced and Fresno Counties, in the heart of the agriculture based Central Valley. The firm is a well-respected

Fresno Criminal Defense Law

criminal defense team sharing over 100 years of combined experience in the criminal justice system. When you enlist the assistance of the Mr. Rodriguez you will receive the dedicated and professional legal representation needed when charged with a criminal offense in the area. As an experienced and respected attorney Mr. Rodriguez has an exceptional perspective and knowledge of the criminal justice system that serves the client well when determining a strategy for your defense, no matter how serious the charges may appear.

Facing criminal charges can be one of the most intimidating experiences in your life. Most individuals in this position are concerned about which way to turn and where to find the help that is so crucial if you are hoping to avoid conviction or ameliorate the damage in a criminal case. The legal team from the firm can step in and take control of the defense of your case, no matter how impossible it may appear initially. With the extensive experience in negotiation and litigation, the firm provides you with the aggressive and dedicated legal advocate you can rely on.

Adam  Rodriguez has a reputation as an outstanding young attorney and a fierce advocate for his clients. Mr. Rodriguez has the experience to handle and achieve results in the most complicated criminal matters


Serving Fresno, Madera, and Merced County

PRACTICE AREAS: Sex Crimes - Theft Related Crimes - Federal Crimes - Driving Under the Influence - Expungements - State Prison Offenses - Violent Crimes - Sealing Juvenile Records - Juvenile Crimes - Traffic Related Crimes - Appeals - Personal Injury -

The only source of knowledge is experience

Mr. Rodriguez has handled thousands of criminal cases in Fresno, Madera, Tulare and Merced County including penal code violations of 187, 211, 288(a), 269(a)(1), 4591st degree and health and safety code violations of 11377(a), 11350(a), 11378(a), 11351, and 11360(a). When it matters the most you will want someone with experience.

Call For Help today!

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