Possession of Drugs for sale in Fresno | Merced Criminal Defense Attorney
Have you been charged with Health & Safety Code Violation 11351 in Merced or Madera County?
H&S 11351 is possession of a controlled substance for sale. I can help defend you against this charge. Attorney Adam Rodriguez has the necessary experience to advocate on your behalf.
How do they prove you are guilty of possession for sales?
The district attorney will have to prove:
1. Defendant exercised control over, or purchased from another a controlled substance
2. Defendant knew of its presence
3. Defendant knew of its nature as a controlled substance.
4. The substance was in a usable amount sufficient to be used for sale or consumption.
5. Defendant possessed or purchased the controlled substance with the specific intent to sell same.
What are the consequences of Health & Safety Code Violation 11351?
If a person is convicted of H&S 11351 the consequences could vary greatly depending on the specific facts of the case and the defendant's criminal history. Generally, if a person is convicted of H&S 11351 they could receive, 2 years, 3 years or up to 4 years of custody time.
*the law has changed pursuant to proposition 47 regarding certain simple possession drug crimes, if you believe you may qualify under proposition 47 for either your current case or a previous case then contact us for a free consultation.