Homicide PC 187

In 2012 after only being an attorney for a little over three years, Mr. Rodriguez with co-counsel Craig Collins received a not guilty verdict on behalf of their client after a 6 week long homicide  trial. Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Collins worked diligently in their clients defense, Mr. Rodriguez conducted examination of all of the expert witnesses in the case which included: a blood splatter expert; ballistics expert; D.N.A expert; fingerprint expert; gun shot residue expert; and a  forensic pathologist. Conducting expert examination requires a great deal of skill and knowledge and Mr. Rodriguez's handling of those witnesses greatly contributed to his clients not guilty verdict.

Mr. Rodriguez has the experience necessary to defend his clients no matter how severe the charges

*this section is currently being updated


  • People v. Jon Doe (Driving Safety Administration Hearing) Driving under the influence

    September 2015

    In this matter my office along with our expert Jonathan Rooker, were successful in winning the administrative hearing, allowing our client to retain his right to drive following a driving under the influence charge. When a person is accused of driving under the influence not only does  that indiv... Read On

  • People . Jon Doe Fresno Superior Court

    October 2015

    In this matter, my client was charged with five separate cases all involving one victim and all for violation of restraining order. I first met my client at court when he stopped me and asked for advise as he had grown frustrated at the Public Defenders office. I assured him that they are good at... Read On

  • People v, Jan Doe (Fresno County Superior Court Juvenile Justice Department)

    November 2015

    This was a Juvenile matter that went to adjudication (trial). My client was accused of oral copulation (penal code 288a) and after several days of evidence the court found the charges not true. This matter was especially difficult due to the age of my client and the alleged victim. Our investigat... Read On

Serving Fresno, Madera, and Merced County

PRACTICE AREAS: Sex Crimes - Theft Related Crimes - Federal Crimes - Driving Under the Influence - Expungements - State Prison Offenses - Violent Crimes - Sealing Juvenile Records - Juvenile Crimes - Traffic Related Crimes - Appeals - Personal Injury -

The only source of knowledge is experience

Mr. Rodriguez has handled thousands of criminal cases in Fresno, Madera, Tulare and Merced County including penal code violations of 187, 211, 288(a), 269(a)(1), 4591st degree and health and safety code violations of 11377(a), 11350(a), 11378(a), 11351, and 11360(a). When it matters the most you will want someone with experience.

Call For Help today!

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